The Men, Hardship and Triumph podcast series is a series of interviews with men as a resource for other men navigating the minefields of modern life. The men interviewed in this series talked about the difficulties of their lives, how they got through them and looking back, what strategies they used to survive the hard times.
Also a resource for men who are suffering from being separated from their children so that despite their suffering, they will still be able to do what is right by the children regardless of their circumstance as well as for people who grew up in less than ideal family conditions to not repeat the mistakes of their parents to break their intergenerational cycle of suffering.
In this episode, Steven Prescott talks to Clement about the difficulties of arriving in Australia as a young teenage Pacific Islander with little English, being unemployed, marriage breakdown and the strategies he used to survive all that to get him to where he is today, a contented, happy and much wiser man.
A summary of his strategies and what he learnt are listed below;
1. to have a “go to” activity that can be used to relieve stress in a healthy manner
2. to face our fears if it helps with improving our lives
3. to have a vision or a future goal so that suffering and sacrifices of the now is more bearable
4. to not have regrets of the past because it is useless
5. to always focus on the positive and not use the hard times as an excuse to do bad things
6. to adjust cultural traditions to adapt to a different country and a different time
7. to reflect on problems and think of what could have been done better
8. to know that nothing in life is guaranteed but you need to continue to do what is right
9. to build a better future, we must concentrate on doing the now
10. to communicate to reduce misunderstanding
11. to lead by doing, not be a hypocrite
12. to not escalate confrontation if you can help it
13. to have perseverance and consistency to achieve goals
14. to capitalise on opportunities that come our way
15. to build on our mistakes and negativity as a means to go forward
To listen to this episode, go to https://www.clementdjaja.com/podcast/episode/dee2c692/men-hardship-and-triumph-episode-1-with-steven-prescott

the younger version of Steven and Clement